Every time I walk into a nice, middle class, suburban church on a Sunday morning that is how I feel.
I look around at the facades put forth by the majority of attenders as they file into their respective pews and I just can't shake the feeling that if Jesus were still visibly walking among us, this is
not where He would be. I mentally sail over the city like in my own version of Google maps and zoom down in next to a homeless woman clutching at a worn sweater futilely against the cold breeze. Then a homeless man rummaging through a trash container behind a fancy restaurant where many of the people that surround me in this building called a church will order extravagantly after putting in their time and checking off their "church" box for the week. Then children who run through the streets trying to avoid abusive home lives- having already seen much more of the dark side of human nature than their young eyes should have. Why aren't "Christians" there? Why do we spend those two hours on Sundays secluded, sequestered from those who need to see Christ's love?